I haven't posted in awhile because there hasn't been too much excitement here on the farm. I went to the Farmers Market for Naked Cow again on Saturday. It is getting much easier, however there are still some questions that people ask that I have no idea what they are talking about. Min and I went to Hanaras a local place to eat and had korean/hawaiian food. It was really good, cheap and they gave us way too much. We went swimming as much as we could, but the current was pretty strong and the tide was coming in so we could only swim for a little bit. Next day we ventured to Ala Moana a huge 200 + store outdoor/indoor mall so Min could get a book we had put on hold there. It was actually a nice bus ride because we got to see the whole west/south side of the island. We had lunch there and looked around before heading back. We had a busy week harvesting since we have picked up three restaurants. A cuban place which is owned by one of the board members here, Roys Hawaiian restaurant which is in Ko Olina and also Monkey Pod which is a new place that is just opening in Ko Olina. We are trying to do our best to keep up, but it is hard since now 3 out of the 5 days we are harvesting which only leaves 2 days for planting, upkeep and other farm maintenance stuff. They have decided to up our hours to 35 hours a week which is okay but does take away from some of our afternoons. Well I am off to the farm. Will post pictures and such in next post. Happy Superbowl Sunday!